Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

Todd is really into having traditions around the holidays. This year was extra fun because we were able to include Mauer into our customs. Before Christmas Eve Mass at St. Michael’s church, we were able to get a quick family picture! What a nice looking bunch. I love that Mauer and Todd were able to wear festive sweater vests!!

We have upgraded from the traditional “Yule log” on TV and now have a real fire.

Mauer got SO many presents. Thank you everyone. It was really above and beyond anything he really needed! One of his favorite gifts was the orange that he got in his stalking (another tradition). His super cute jammies were a gift from one of the girls at Todd’s office!

He liked the pounding toy from Grandpa Steve. I don’t know why, but it must taste good. Another tradition is eating cinnamon rolls (Mauer did not get any frosting though!) for breakfast. He wolfed his down along with TWO oranges- must be a growing boy!

We snuggled the rest of the morning while we watched, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Another classic holiday tradition. We were given an awesome baby backpack so we decided to go for a short afternoon hike. Mauer liked the new backpack so much that he got cozy and took a short nap. We finished off the day with our traditional Christmas dinner of Alaskan king crab legs. I was shocked, but Mauer really liked those too!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

We apologize for the interruption of services! Blogging takes a bit of effort and we have been trying to focus more effort into our family and marriage. Here is the last 2 months in one giant post!

Grandma Margaret playing with Mauer during an impromptu visit to the Pacific Northwest! Mauer practicing waving “bye bye” and walking with his toy.

Grandma’s impromptu visit turns into a road trip to Minnesota. It was a beautiful drive! I cannot say the same for the drive back to WA. The pictures would have been very white- lots of snow and wind!

Mauer experiences HOCKEY! Uncle Jared eats, sleeps, and plays hockey! Mauer really enjoyed playing with the “knee hockey” sticks and net. It was exciting to watch some hockey while we were in MN.

Mauer was ready to pack it up and head home. But, not until we visited with Grandma Ginger! Mauer enjoyed playing at Grandpa Dave and “Grandma Equivalent” Luann’s house too. They have a wooden rocking horse.

Back in Washington, Mauer gets back into his routine. He likes to empty the drawers (he can even reach into the third from the bottom drawer!), which we have arranged to keep soft and safe items inside. Todd helps Mauer brush his teeth properly.

That’s right! He has teeth! They popped through during our road trip home. Poor little guy was stuck in his car seat AND he was cutting teeth- 4 at one time! I tried my best to get a photo, but he was less than cooperative.

I just love this picture. He is such a weird-o. I think he gets that from his dad. He was playing under the computer desk, acting like a turkey!

One of the “big bosses” at the WIC office gave Mauer a rocking horse. His name is Bucky and Mauer REALLY likes him. Todd put in some new batteries and it makes a lot of noise- gallops, and neighs, and on and on and on…

I attempted to get some cute photos of Mauer in front of the tree. He was in a very “busy” mood. Here are 33 of the “more successful attempts.” Better luck next year?!

Here is one of my favorite pictures of him in front of the tree. He looks like he is so angelic in the photo. Don’t count on it! He was pulling that hat off as fast as he could!