Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nine Month Check Up

The good news is, no immunizations at this appointment. The bad news, he got a flu shot this time.

As you can see, Mauer's plugging along on a great curve for his growth. You will see that he shrunk between his 6 month appointment and his 9 month appointment. Obviously, he's not shrinking. It just goes to show you that getting the height of a squirmy child is difficult! Our doctor made the nurse measure him twice this time, just to be sure. His official weight is 17 pounds and 12 ounces. His official height is 28 inches.

Good Ole' Chuck

Happy Halloween from the cutest little Charlie Brown I have ever seen!
I found the shirt at the dollar store. It was, of course, a dollar. I added the zig zag with a permanent marker. Mauer already had brown pants and a bald head. I added the eyeliner to his forehead. Pretty easy and he stayed comfortable all day.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mauer's First Field Trip

Mauer doesn't get to go on field trips unless Todd or I go too. Fortunately, I was able to get away from work and join the crew at the pumpkin patch. The big kids ran through a hay maze; Mauer and I just watched. Next, we went into the animal barn. At this farm, they let the kids get inside the pens and touch and feed the animals. Mauer cried each time we got close to the goats, bunnies, pigs and chickens. I guess he's not much of a farm animal kid. Then we got to go on a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. Each child got to pick out the perfect pumpkin!

Here is the crew from "The Clubhouse" daycare.

Here are some of the Mauer fans. (clockwise from top left) Triniti helping Mauer pose for the camera. Alyssa only knows a few words "no," "mine," and "Mauer."
Mauer got a burst of energy right before I put him on the bails of hay. He was being really silly!

Mauer made me a little nervous on the tractor seat. He wanted to lean over to reach the knobs and levers, which would make him lose his balance. So, I turned him around to play with the steering wheel. Much better. Some other Pumpkin patch guests saw how cheesy he was being. When he heard them laugh, he really hammed it up.

My favorite picture of the day!


Some tid bits from the month...

Sneaking into the dog's kennel

Looking out the window at Kielty
Looking mischievous after he emptied his books and toys from the bottom of the book shelf
Mauer spent several days under the weather. Last weekend he ran a mild fever the whole weekend. On the plus side, he played hookie and spent an entire Monday with his daddy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I love Lamp

Mauer is really on the move now! Look at him go!

More tubby time!

Mauer really enjoys bath time. He splashes and splashes and splashes! He doesn't even mind when he falls over. As you will see.

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