Monday, May 23, 2011

Tough Day on the Playground

Today I got a call at work that Mauer had fallen and landed on his head. Bonnie assured me that he was okay. He was eating fine, his pupils looked okay, etc. She said he was really upset when they made him stop playing to put ice on it. He was playing outside and fell off the tree house-thingy and landed on the ladder! ouch! He's so determined to investigate everything!
He looks pretty tough. A huge goose egg above his right eye, a bruise on the bridge of his nose and his left eye is puffy and scratched! The picture doesn't really do it justice.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grandma & Unck-ey Jared Visit

Over Easter weekend my Mom and Brother were able to stay at our house for a long weekend. We started out Friday with lunch at the Farmers Market and then went to a Tacoma Rainier's (Mariners minor league team) game. brrrr.... it was CHILLY!
On Saturday we went downtown for the annual "Procession of the Species." This is a "must-see" event. It also features an Arts Walk. Artists, both professional and not, hang their work in different shops downtown. The weather was great and the sun was shining! We couldn't have asked for a nicer day! We didn't get to see the actual parade, but Grandma and Jared were able to witness enough... We capped off the day with burgers on the grill!

On Easter Sunday Mauer went to mass with his Daddy. Grandma made her famous lasagna and we spent the day relaxing together.
Monday was a day of spoiling! We went to Don & Terri's Toys & Treasures off Hwy 101 near Olympia. This place was NUTS! This is where to go when you need anything made by Little Tykes but don't want to spend a fortune on children's toys. They had the exact swing set we wanted for HALF the price of a new one! We found a turtle sand box, a trike, and a fire truck toddler bed! Awesome! Mauer loves them all! Although it was pouring rain, Mauer played in his new swing with Grandma and Unck-ey for an hour!

They flew back to MN on Tuesday. It was hard to see them go. As always, it's nice to be back in a routine again too.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

15 Month check Up

Hello All
Here is the most current graph from Mauers latest check up. He's still following a great curve, it's just on the skinny side! It's a little shocking that he only weighs 20 pounds 14 oz. In the morning, he can chow 2 big bowls of oatmeal, and at least one bowl of yogurt. As Grandma Margaret says, "He doesn't DO mornings until breakfast is complete!"
He has 6 teeth. He knows were his nose, knees, belly, ears and toes are. He doesn't like to "perform" so it might be a while before you see that he knows this. He LOVES to do the "itsy bitsy spider" and knows all the hand moves. He likes when I dance like Charlie Brown. He does it too. If you're not sure what that looks like, you'll have to watch Charlie Browns Christmas. It's the basic head nod. He knows Mom & Dada of course. And BALL. He LOVES "Ball." He's added "ah oh" to his vocabulary, too. He understand a lot more than he says right now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge

Another exploration for the little guy! I don't think Mauer was too impressed with the wildlife going on. He was just pumped that he had a wooden path to run and run and run! This place is a hidden gem in the Olympia area. I recommend the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge to ALL AGES!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hands On Children's Museum

There's a great little place in downtown Olympia called "The Hands On Children's Museum." We've been given gift certificates to go so we finally took some time to explore. I didn't know if Mauer would like it or not, but he had a great time! If you're ever looking for a great gift to give a child (not just my child :P ) - you can buy a membership and go all year long!
Literally playing IN the bean table!
Discoverying shapes and colors at the lighted table!
Splashing & learning about currents in the water table!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day!

He's not to sure what to think.

It's deep! He's standing!

Per the usual, Kielty is being really obnoxious. He LOVES the snow. He didn't care that he was knocking into Mauer with his tail or body.

It started to snow on Wednesday morning. We had the weirdest weather day. The sun would come out and it would stop snowing, then it would hail, the snow would start up again, the sun would come out, and repeat! If I had to guess, there are about 5 inches of snow in the back yard. It was sticky snow so all the trees are flocked and very beautiful. As you know, western Washington doesn't get much snow, so the plows are few and far between. This much snow pretty much halts all activity! My school was closed, and daycare was closed. What a fun and unexpected day to snuggle up with my buddy. So far we've "played" outside, had a dance party and took a nap. It's only noon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I grabbed my camera the other morning while Mauer was still sleeping. I just love this picture. His features are so soft. I could just eat him up!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Session #2

The graffiti wall is downtown Olympia. The look changes nearly every time you see it. It also has a strong aroma of spray paint. I really like it and think it’s “very Olympia.”

I had some help with these photos. My co-worker loaned out her 14 year old daughter to me for a few hours one afternoon. She entertained Mauer while I cleaned the house. Then she helped me take some pictures!

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Session #2 Continued

This picture is on the steps of the Wasthington State Capital. Are those doors super cool? I found the hat at GoodWil for $1.50!

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Session #2

I took these on the campus of the state Capital. The two in black and white are my favorite. I'm thinking about enlarging one to replace a giant wedding picture that was above the fireplace. Which do you like better?

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mauer's 1st Birthday Party

Here are some things that Mauer can do:
  • Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk! Sometimes, he even tries to RUN!
  • "talks on his phone"
  • claps his hands when you say "Patty cake"
  • puts his fingers together and then raises up his arms when you sing "Insy weensy spider"
  • gives things (except his mom, :( sniff) kisses, when he is asked
  • Has 5 teeth (with another one on the verge)
  • loves bathtime
  • loves to ride Bucky
  • LOVES the dog
  • loves to eat noodles
For Mauer's Birthday, Todd made cupcakes for all the kids at daycare. That was where Mauer got his first taste of pure sugar. Then, I picked Mauer up early from daycare. We met Todd at a coffee shop so we could celebrate the day together. Mauer enjoyed a teeny tiny cupcake (with out frosting) there.

From there, we went to the clinic for his 1 year check up. I guess it's considered "mean" to schedule an appointment on his exact Birthday because they give immunizations. Happy Birthday- we're going to stick you with 4 needles!

He is 29.5 inches long, and weighs 19 pounds and 6 ounces. We were hoping he would have cracked the 20 pound mark. Maybe next time!

Then Mauer and I went home to prepare for his party. I made a monkey cake. I guess he liked it. (FYI: Birthday cake DIAPERS are not as fun as Birthday cake). Then he opened presents! Thank you for all the gifts. He truly didn't need anything, but we appreciate them all.
Grandma Ginger got him a cool, "Mauer #7" backpack. It's bigger than he is! I thought for sure he was going to tip over while he wore it!
I'm still trying to figure out the new video camera... But you can watch his Birthday video by clicking on the link above.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Almost 1!

Things have been REALLY tough around the Mountin household. Despite that, I wanted to share a few photos that I took earlier today. My goal is to do a "photo shoot" at the one year mark. I figured he'd do best if it was in shorter "sessions." Next up will be indoors. We'll see how that goes. He has a hard time keeping his eyes open when I use my flash!