Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mauer's 1st Birthday Party

Here are some things that Mauer can do:
  • Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk! Sometimes, he even tries to RUN!
  • "talks on his phone"
  • claps his hands when you say "Patty cake"
  • puts his fingers together and then raises up his arms when you sing "Insy weensy spider"
  • gives things (except his mom, :( sniff) kisses, when he is asked
  • Has 5 teeth (with another one on the verge)
  • loves bathtime
  • loves to ride Bucky
  • LOVES the dog
  • loves to eat noodles
For Mauer's Birthday, Todd made cupcakes for all the kids at daycare. That was where Mauer got his first taste of pure sugar. Then, I picked Mauer up early from daycare. We met Todd at a coffee shop so we could celebrate the day together. Mauer enjoyed a teeny tiny cupcake (with out frosting) there.

From there, we went to the clinic for his 1 year check up. I guess it's considered "mean" to schedule an appointment on his exact Birthday because they give immunizations. Happy Birthday- we're going to stick you with 4 needles!

He is 29.5 inches long, and weighs 19 pounds and 6 ounces. We were hoping he would have cracked the 20 pound mark. Maybe next time!

Then Mauer and I went home to prepare for his party. I made a monkey cake. I guess he liked it. (FYI: Birthday cake DIAPERS are not as fun as Birthday cake). Then he opened presents! Thank you for all the gifts. He truly didn't need anything, but we appreciate them all.
Grandma Ginger got him a cool, "Mauer #7" backpack. It's bigger than he is! I thought for sure he was going to tip over while he wore it!
I'm still trying to figure out the new video camera... But you can watch his Birthday video by clicking on the link above.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Almost 1!

Things have been REALLY tough around the Mountin household. Despite that, I wanted to share a few photos that I took earlier today. My goal is to do a "photo shoot" at the one year mark. I figured he'd do best if it was in shorter "sessions." Next up will be indoors. We'll see how that goes. He has a hard time keeping his eyes open when I use my flash!

Touch Down!

I think this photo Sums up his personality!