Friday, February 25, 2011

Hands On Children's Museum

There's a great little place in downtown Olympia called "The Hands On Children's Museum." We've been given gift certificates to go so we finally took some time to explore. I didn't know if Mauer would like it or not, but he had a great time! If you're ever looking for a great gift to give a child (not just my child :P ) - you can buy a membership and go all year long!
Literally playing IN the bean table!
Discoverying shapes and colors at the lighted table!
Splashing & learning about currents in the water table!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day!

He's not to sure what to think.

It's deep! He's standing!

Per the usual, Kielty is being really obnoxious. He LOVES the snow. He didn't care that he was knocking into Mauer with his tail or body.

It started to snow on Wednesday morning. We had the weirdest weather day. The sun would come out and it would stop snowing, then it would hail, the snow would start up again, the sun would come out, and repeat! If I had to guess, there are about 5 inches of snow in the back yard. It was sticky snow so all the trees are flocked and very beautiful. As you know, western Washington doesn't get much snow, so the plows are few and far between. This much snow pretty much halts all activity! My school was closed, and daycare was closed. What a fun and unexpected day to snuggle up with my buddy. So far we've "played" outside, had a dance party and took a nap. It's only noon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I grabbed my camera the other morning while Mauer was still sleeping. I just love this picture. His features are so soft. I could just eat him up!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Session #2

The graffiti wall is downtown Olympia. The look changes nearly every time you see it. It also has a strong aroma of spray paint. I really like it and think it’s “very Olympia.”

I had some help with these photos. My co-worker loaned out her 14 year old daughter to me for a few hours one afternoon. She entertained Mauer while I cleaned the house. Then she helped me take some pictures!

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Session #2 Continued

This picture is on the steps of the Wasthington State Capital. Are those doors super cool? I found the hat at GoodWil for $1.50!

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Session #2

I took these on the campus of the state Capital. The two in black and white are my favorite. I'm thinking about enlarging one to replace a giant wedding picture that was above the fireplace. Which do you like better?

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