Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More of the Same- Week 7

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
So big on St. Patty's Day

Like a stereotypical Irishman, he puked on his bib!

This week has been more of the same for Mauer. More smiling, more cooing, more toe jam. We're still waiting for him to reach out and grab something.

The week in Review:
Mauer and I went to Mom & Baby Yoga at the Bandha Room in Olympia. 10 other Moms and 10 other babies joined us. The moms had yoga mats and the babies were on blankets. I was amazed at Mauer; he stayed awake the entire time. He just stared at me. It was a pretty “Zen” group, which in turn kept all the babies calm. There were a lot of gurgles and cooing noises! So great! The whole idea of this group is to be able to stop and nurse or change your baby’s diaper during class, and no one will care! It’s also a nice way to meet other new mommies!

Since we were downtown, we went to Wind up Here . It’s a very funky toy store. Mauer was given a cute pair of shoes as a gift but I don’t think he would have liked wearing pink bunnies, so I exchanged them in for cool monster shoes. I’ll post a picture next time.
We quickly stopped at home for a diaper change and a snack and then headed to the salon so Mommy could get a haircut! Mauer was a champ, and slept through the entire shampoo, cut & style!

Mauer and I had a movie day. While he napped, I watched “Momma Mia.” I had been looking forward to both the movie and the snuggle time. I didn’t care for the movie.
We got up early and went to visit the big bosses my office! I was given permission to interrupt the meeting to introduce Mauer to the gang. Mauer smiled at all the important people (my supervisor and my supervisor’s supervisor), and then napped the rest of the time.
Then we had to go to the doctor for my 6-week check up. I’m recovering nicely and all the stitches have dissolved.
We took Mauer swimming for the first time! I did some research and found The Discovery Aquatic Swimming School
. They keep the pool at 88 degrees and use saline instead of chlorine. I thought the warmer temperature would make the experience more enjoyable for Mr. Mauer. This was also a good excuse to buy him a swimming diaper. It looks like a teeny tiny Speedo! He remained neutral the entire time. We saw neither happy face nor sad face. He didn’t cry either. It was about 20 minutes before he got too cold.

On Saturday night, I really wanted to meet a friend out for a drink (a non-alcoholic one). I was able to time my nursing schedule around this drink. It was kind of liberating to go out with a friend, even if it was only for an hour and a half! Thank you Mauer (and Todd)!
We were invited to our old neighbors’ house (Matt & Michelle) for dinner. Matt was home from a deployment in Bangladesh for a week of R&R. USUALLY Mauer is awake in the evenings, but he slept the entire time we visited. Bummer! I guess that’s just another excuse to visit them.
We were pooped. We slept in and lounged around. It was a beautiful day so when Daddy got home from work, we went on a walk.

Mauer and I went grocery shopping. Normally an easy task, but with a baby it takes a bit more effort. He went in the front pack while I shopped. He slept while in the grocery store but got pretty upset in the truck. He also didn’t care that the perishable groceries needed to be put away before I could feed him. He was SO hungry and SO mad! He also had a tummy ache most of the day. I believe it’s because I’ve been eating ice cream. I guess I’ll be giving that up for a while. :(

Todd & Kielty
Todd continues to train for the Olympia Marathon. He will be running a half marathon on the 21st in Mercer Island (home of Bill Gates & Microsoft!). Todd shared in some late night “comforting sessions” with Mauer the last few nights. When Mauer has an upset belly, Dad is much better at getting the bubbles out. I attribute it to the fact that he has bigger arms to hold the squirmy guy better. Todd spends as much time with Mauer when he gets home from work as he possibly can. He can really get Mauer smiling and "talking."

The Furminator arrived this week. Kielty was brushed with the regular brush on Saturday morning followed by the Furminator in the afternoon. I pulled off a pile of hair the size of a volleyball!! Gross! I brushed him with the Furminator again on Sunday and pulled off a pile of hair the size of a soft ball! I think we’ll only have to vacuum once this week! Whew!
Mauer shows off his Monkey Butt pants!
Checking out his reflection in the mirror!
Mauer is quickly outgrowing his bassinet

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have been so busy. Love the updates. Mauer is lucky to have such loving and active parents!
