Friday, April 16, 2010

Boys will be Boys

What Mauer has been up to
He’s starting to have conversations with us.
He’s on the verge of laughing.
His new toy of interest is a silk scarf. We let it float to his face and play peek-a-boo.
We’ve been putting toys in his hand. He doesn’t really know how to let go so he’ll hold a rattle for several minutes.
His first Twins game will be May 31st at Safeco Field in Seattle (To be enjoyed with Grandma Margaret, Greg, Uncle Kyle, & Uncle Jared!!)

Over the weekend

On Saturday, Erin had to work. Mauer helped make buttons for preschoolers to recruit families for fall enrollment. The event at the mall was called BLOCKFEST. Later in the day, we went to celebrate Sophia’s 9th Birthday. Erin works with her mom, Mercedes. Then on Sunday, Daddy got up early and met up with his relay team to run the Mt. Si ultra Marathon. That is 59 miles divided among a team of 5. Meanwhile, Mauer watched mommy do yard work. For some reason, Mauer thought pulling weeds was pretty funny. He did not enjoy his time while Mommy pruned the nasty hedges in the backyard though.

Daddy’s last week of Paternity
Mauer enjoyed his time with Daddy. Daddy enjoyed his time with Mauer. It gave them both time to hone their boy skills. Todd taught Mauer how to change oil, fix toilets, and stain wood. Mauer taught Todd how to fart and poop like a man, as well as change “blow outs.”

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