Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sick Baby :(

What Can Mauer Do Today!?
It seems like he learns a new trick or masters something each day. He is good at rolling from tummy to back. He occasionally rolls from back to tummy but gets a little frustrated. Sometimes he notices his feet and he’ll grab them but he’s not too interested yet. He has been drooling buckets! I think he completely soaks two bibs a day. He is not cutting teeth yet but he’s teething. He REALLY likes to chomp down on things. His vocabulary is increasing; it now includes some gurgling sounds! He is TRYING to be as cool as his cousin Lila is and spit the letter ‘P’ but he’s not there yet!
Mauer started to get the sniffles on Thursday night. I felt a little congested on Thursday too. By Sunday evening, Mauer’s sniffles had turned into a full-blown cold (me too)! Although he hasn’t had a fever, we kept him home from daycare on Monday and Tuesday. He was hard to comfort, did not like being put down and was nursing more than usual. Poor babe! Pretty sure, he caught the “new day care germ.” We spent time hanging out in the steamy bathroom, hosed out the nostrils with the bulb syringe and Todd tried spraying saline mist up his nose!

On Sunday, Todd ran the Capital City marathon, right here in Olympia. His official time was 3:29:21. Although it was about 29 minutes and 22 seconds longer than he wanted it to take, it was damn good! His overall place was 47th (out of 373), and in his division he placed 4th. Mauer and I joined our former neighbor, Michelle, to cheer on Todd! We got to see him at miles 2, 4, 7, 15, 18, 21 and the finish line! Mauer was a trooper. He let me pull him in and out of the car that whole time. It is a good thing he slept for about an hour! Todd had several co-workers shaking tub sock flags in his support along the course too!

Baptism classes are finished! Now we need to schedule a time to do it. I hope Mauer continues to like water, because they do not just dribble water over the forehead… they are dunked in the font!

Todd spent 2 nights in Long Beach this past week. He will be doing more traveling than usual. He was able to stick close to home at the end of the pregnancy and when Mauer was so tiny, now he’s making up for it. Mauer and I fared all right, we did miss Daddy though.

Some of you know that I was able to store 75 ounces of milk before I went back to work. It has been 6 weeks now and that cushion has been completely depleted. I opened the freezer last week and choked back some tears! I needed to figure out my schedule so that I could keep up my supply… So, now I visit Mauer every day at noon! It is a nice way to reconnect with him and it forces me to slow down during the day. I continue to pump twice a day too. On days that I work later, Todd picks up Mauer and brings him to my office so I can feed the little guy. They go home and get dinner started while I continue to work.

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