Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Toe Jam- 6 Weeks Old

According to the experts, this week Mauer should be able to:
Recognize familiar voices
Enjoy looking at designs, colors and shapes
Push himself up during tummy time
Reach for objects and enjoy his hands (i.e. get them into his mouth!)

Mauer’s progress:
He can recognize Mommy’s & Daddy’s voice.
He looks at pictures in books, but is mostly interested in looking at our faces.

We're never really sure if his “cooing” is stretching his vocal chords or trying to push out gas. I do enjoy the sounds he makes. One of our favorite sounds is just after he sneezes (which he does a lot); he makes an “ahhhhh” sound. It’ SO CUTE! I want to tape record it and keep it forever! Mauer continues to hiccup outside the womb, at least once a day. His whole body jerks when he has them. It looks really uncomfortable.

He is getting so strong! He can hold his head up quite well but gets tired after a few minutes. He doesn’t have the coordination to get his hands in his mouth accurately but his keeps himself busy for 5-10 minute stretches trying! It’s very cute to see his focus and determination!
I can’t say that he has a favorite game but we sing “Mauer was his name-o” to the tune of BINGO was his name-o, peek-a-boo, and “this little piggy.” Recently, I was playing with Mauer’s toes and noticed a large amount of toe jam. While I always thought this was some sort of trick my parents used to get me to pay attention to all my crevices while bathing during my childhood, it really does exist! Where is that crap coming from!? He doesn’t even wear shoes! Gross.

Things we did this week:

Mauer helped throw the Frisbee with Dad & Kielty
We tried to go to “infant lap time” at the library, despite all efforts; we got there an hour late! We still checked out books and CD’s though. Maybe next week we’ll get there in time.
We visited Daddy at his office because he took an overnight trip this week. Since we’re too sleepy in the morning when he left, we surprised him on his lunch break. Mauer took the opportunity to have a major poop while being held by Co-Worker, Barb!!

The rest of the family:
Mom and Dad continue to find ways to work with Mauer’s schedule. For the week, we’ve got it figured out. We both realize that this is subject to change at any time for any reason or no reason at all. We’re learning to be flexible! This week Todd cut back on his running. He’s got a race in 2 weeks but is struggling with over training & burnout. Erin has been trying to find activities to get out of the house a few times a week. This week has been successful with several trips- library and Todd’s office. We have plans to go to baby & me Yoga, getting a haircut & a doctor’s visit. Kielty continues to be ignored with the exception of Frisbee on Saturday and Sunday. His allergies are starting to “bloom” along with the trees. While we’ve been so happy with his health and the re-growth of all his hair, we’re beginning to become overwhelmed with the shedding!! It is hard work vacuuming this often; good thing Mauer enjoys that chore. We finally bit the bullet and bought THE FURMINATOR; this should help pull out his undercoat.

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