Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grandma Ginger Visits

What the Experts Say…
Mauer should have mastered “hand play”
Stretch his limbs all the way out
Hold his head higher than his bottom
Bear weight on his leg
Hold his head steady when held
Roll from back to side
Make swiping reaches
Hold & shake rattles
Grab clothes and/or hair of others
Suck fingers and fists
Draw out vowel sounds like, “aaah,” “eeeh,” “oooh”
Cry differently for different needs
Begin to laugh
Learn Cause & effect (if you hit it, it will move!)

Whew! That is a lot of stuff to learn and do!
This week, we watched Mauer roll over from his tummy to his back three times. He was quite surprised the first time he did it! He also likes to roll from his back to his side. That way he can look at toys or watch TV. He really likes to “stand” when we help him balance. He love, love, loves his hands. If they aren’t in his mouth, he is looking at them and thinking about putting them in his mouth. We noticed that he found his feet; we had to bust out the rattle socks!
We have also noticed that he is very interested in books. When we read to him, he looks at all the pictures.

He is also really interested in the TV! I have told him countless times that it will rot his brain. The only thing on the list above that he hasn’t done is laugh. We are DYING to hear him. He is so close!

Grandma Ginger has been at the house since Saturday. She is on Mauer duty during the day. I think the two of them are having a great time together! He will be sad to see her go on Saturday. Grandma “G,” as she likes to be called, has helped rid the yard of dandelions this week. She has pulled two 5-gallon buckets worth so far!

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