Friday, April 9, 2010

This has been a relatively uneventful week although it has been exhausting for all of us.

Saturday we met up with our friends, Alan and Angie. We thought it would be fun to hit the farmers market for the opening weekend of the season. Unfortunately, it was cold, windy, and rainy. We had a bite to eat and that’s all we could handle! Alan just returned from his deployment in Iraq. We just found out they will be stationed in Florida starting in July. :(

Grandpa Steve had an accident… Steve was using his miter saw and accidentally cut through the top of his left arm between his elbow and wrist! He took a trip to the ER that resulted in stitches and instructions to visit a surgeon to repair four tendons, which control his fingers. Surgery was completed on Tuesday night and determined to be successful. We imagine it will be a long road to complete recovery over the summer. Jenny & Cary mailed him the book, “One-Handed in a Two-Handed World.” Thank goodness, now he‘ll know how to fold his socks with just one hand. Todd talked to Steve today and the only thing he couldn’t do by himself was hit “control-alt- delete” to turn on his computer.

For Easter, we went to church. This was our second (consecutive) week of going to St. Michael’s. After church, we had lunch at Michelle’s house. She’s our old neighbor. She invited two other friends, Renee and Jamie too. We enjoyed lots of great food including ham. Mauer kept his spiffy outfit clean all day, I’d call that successful!

Monday was my first day back to work after 10 weeks. My desk was filled with nice quotes, flowers, and candy. How sweet! They also created a cozy spot for me to have privacy for pumping. The staff that I supervise are gone for Spring Break. This was nice for me to ease back into work. I have been able to get caught up to speed.

Todd has been enjoying his time home with Mauer. The first day was rough, Mauer decided that he didn’t like the bottle. They wrestled with feeding for several hours. Poor Mauer, he was so hungry but wouldn’t take the bottle. Poor Todd, he felt so helpless. Each day has gotten better and better. We were very thankful that Mauer didn’t have to face this struggle with a daycare person. I think Todd is better at staying home than me. When I got home from work on Monday, Todd made an angel food cake and Tuesday he made chocolate chip cookies!

Tuesday morning Todd bundled Mauer up and walked to Sage’s Brunch House in Olympia. They went to celebrate Todd’s co-workers birthday.

On Thursday, Todd brought Mauer to my office for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. It was surprising to run into you the other day! Love the Easter pics, you all look so spiffy.
