Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ready or not! Here he comes!

This week, Mauer has decided he does not mind being on his hands and knees. For the past few weeks, whenever we set him on the floor in the crawl position, he would fuss and roll to sit on his bottom. I knew he could crawl, because I have seen him do it a time or two. Now he is on the move. He still gets frustrated when he goes from wood floor to rug but he is moving! At times, I see him pulling himself across the wood floor like a paraplegic too. I guess his legs muscles need a break!

Some of Mauer’s other accomplishments:
Clapping. Well, it is like the silent clap. I used to think it was just coincidence that he was making contact with the palms of his hands, but it is actually intentional. We clap together when we are REALLY excited. You know, about things like swallowing a bite of food, or crawling a few feet.
Eating. I don’t know what they did at daycare, but they started to spoon feed him and now he will try eating anything at home (without screaming). I’m not sure how they do it, but he comes home in the same clothes I sent him in and they do not have a morsel of food on them. Could they be stripping him down to put him in the highchair? I don’t think so. They must not let him use the spoon or let him “explore” the food as we do at home. He has also been eating what we eat. Of course, when he has chicken and rice, his chicken isn’t marinated in teriyaki sauce. He has also had spaghetti. Spaghetti nights are also bath nights. I find noodles EVERYWHERE! It’s pretty cute to pull off his shirt and find noodles stuck to his chest.
Crawling. So the house is pretty baby proof. Todd and I are not. We cannot leave things like the ironing board (iron atop) in the living room anymore. Yikes!

I have been working a TON lately. School starts on Thursday and I’ve been doing lots of enrollments and orientations with new parents. This means long days at work. Thankfully, Todd and Mauer have been super accommodating. For starters, Mauer has been eating more solid food, which makes it easier for me to keep up with my milk production. And, Todd has been able to bring Mauer to my office after he picks him up from Daycare. It’s a nice way to revive my energy and plug away for a few more hours. I hope things settle down soon. I thought the beginning of October would bring about some regularity, but one of my teachers quit so I will be hiring and training in a new person around the beginning/mid October.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Mauer is hitting all these huge milestones! Sorry things are so hectic for you now.
