Monday, June 21, 2010

My friend from college, Susan, and her husband, Dan visited for a long weekend. While they were here, the sun actually made an appearance! The weather has been very crappy the past few months. The temperature has been averaging about 10 degrees cooler than normal. BOO!

We visited Mt. Rainier and spent an afternoon downtown Olympia. While we were downtown, the Pride Parade was taking place. We all watched the parade and enjoyed the spectacle. It was interesting.

(Her sign says, "Hooters on Scooters." How could I NOT take a picture!?)

The school year is winding to an end. The children and staff are gone. I had to adjust my contract so that I could be home with Mauer most of the days that Bonnie is on vacation. I cannot wait to be home with Mauer during July. It seems as though, the month is going to go by very quickly. Mauer and I will be in Minnesota from July 18th- 25th. Todd will join us on the 22nd and we all have the same flight home.

What is new with Mauer?
He has begun to make some new noises. It sounds like “ahhhhh” but it’s coming from the back of his throat. He will do it for as long as he can hold his breath. When he does it several times in a row, he has to stop and catch his breath. It’s cute.

He is laughing pretty regularly. Although, he laughs for Todd a lot more than he laughs for me.

He is pretty much a pro at rolling over. He has mastered both tummy to back as well as back to tummy.

He is starting to enjoy the bathtub. He used to only tolerate them, but now he smiles and splashes around.

Mauer loves Kielty too. Whenever he sees the dog walk into the room, he gets a big smile on his face. If he’s lucky, he gets a face full of dog tongue and a fist full of dog hair.

1 comment:

  1. He sure is cute! It's good to know he and Kielty get gives me hope for my brood.
