Friday, July 2, 2010

Mauer's New Toy

Mauer was given a great gift over the weekend. It’s a bike trailer that can also be used as a stroller. Marian, a co-worker of Todd’s, used it with her children about 14 years ago. With a few blemishes (courtesy of her son using it last summer), it’s PERFECT! We’re so excited to use it. After researching where to buy a bike helmet that was small enough for Mauer, I learned that children need to be 12-18 months old before they can tolerate the bouncing of being in a bike trailer. I guess the weight of a helmet and the bouncing can cause Shaken Baby Syndrome! We’ve been using it as a stroller and it handles SO nicely.

It's a Burley D'Lite. Eventually, it can seat 2 children.

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