Friday, July 30, 2010

Mauer Solids Days 3 & 5

Todd returned from the east side of the Mountain on Wednesday. He wanted to give a shot at feeding Mauer. With a fresh bowl of "superfine brown rice MUSH," he went for it! Mauer was still not impressed! Todd even tried to make it look tasty! Convincing, right?

Day Three

Mauer had a really hard day on Thursday so we gave him the night off from trying new food. As recommended, we waited 4 days before introducing a new food (in case of an allergic reaction). That means tonight he got to try something new- Banana Mush! I can't say he liked it, but the meal didn't end in tears! I think we're making progress here. He also enjoyed experiencing his meal with his hands (and eyes, nose, ear & hair!).

Day 5

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