Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mauer Trying Solids

I truly thought that Mauer would be enthusiastic about eating solid food. He is always very interested in what we’re eating. He drinks water from a cup. When we eat dinner, he always sits at the table with us with a cup and spoon on his tray and he enjoys manipulating both! My guess is that he doesn’t like the consistency of the malt-o-meal rice cereal. Yesterday Mauer and I went to the whole foods co-op to buy some brown rice. I used the coffee grinder (after my attempts with the food processor failed) to grind it up into three different consistencies. Tonight we’ll try the superfine rice powder. I hope that remedies this situation!

Day one

Day Two

1 comment:

  1. This must be frustrating for both you and Mauer. Good luck!
